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  • Macrolente PHONESCOPE 24,95€ 19,95
    Lente macro PHONESCOPE de 60 aumentos para smartphones

    Referencia: LUSMART [345620]

    The PHONESCOPE macro lens turns your smartphone or tablet into a powerful digital microscope with up to 60x magnification. The finest details such as the mint markings on coins, the stamp printing processes and much more can be recognised and checked using the camera function on your smartphone. The enlarged details can be saved as a photo or video.
    The macro lens offers a variety of applications for both hobby and study and is ideal for use as a reading aid or digital microscope. It’s particularly practical when you’re on the move, as neither a power supply nor batteries are required. By saving the images on your smartphone, these can be shared with friends and acquaintances without any effort. Suitable for all conventional smartphones and tablets. Glass lens. Overall size: 38 x 47 x 39 mm (1 1/2 x 1 7/8 x 1 1/2").
    Easy to use: simply attach the macro lens to the camera on your smartphone, start the camera function and zoom as required.

    Este artigo foi introduzido em terça 19 novembro, 2013.
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